Contact Info
President:Martina Norocka
Treasurer:Elena Miceva
Secretary:Haruka Yoshida
Vienna International Centre:
Wagramer Straße 5
1400 Wien
[email protected]
Liability notice
We sincerely hope that you have an enjoyable time on the slopes. The Club will make all reasonable efforts to that end. However, your attention is drawn to the following:
Participation in any activities organized by the VIC Ski Club is entirely at the participant’s risk and is his or her responsibility. At no time will the participant hold the VIC Ski Club, or any of its organizers and ski instructors engaged by the VIC Ski Club, either personally or in their official honorary capacity, liable for any loss, damage or injury which the participant (or his/her family member/guests) may sustain or which the participant (or his/her family member/guests) may cause to third parties or which third parties may cause to the participant (or his/her family member/guests) as a result of participation in VIC Ski Club activities or of use of equipment provided by the VIC Ski Club.